Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Year 1 Week 1

This week Will:

-played with all his new toys with Emma.

-ate this adorable and amazingly delicious cooking from Vicki at Center Stage Sweets

First he licked it.

Then he ate some bites.

Then he had a sugar high.


Popeye gains his strength from spinach. Will gains his from cookies.

Then he shared some with Mom, who is not too proud to accept slightly drooly bites of cookie. If you'd ever tasted Vicki's cookies you'd probably accept slightly drooly ones too. They're that good.

Drooly cookies make everyone happy!

-we all went to a Padres/Mariners game!

Dad + Baseball = AWESOME!

Mom got this cupcake.

Will may have had a few bites.

Then we said, "Fe-lix! Fe-lix!" a lot, which was very amusing.

Baseball is fun.

Grandma Gail, Lorne, Will, and Laurel (whose nose is casting a shadow that makes her appear somewhat toothless).

-Will figured out what button to push on the camera to make it take pictures.

Will's first self-portrait.

-and ate his second special cookie from Vicki, a 1 with polka dots

And with that, we shall conclude the first week after Will's first birthday.

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